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Harry C. Kelly Grant Application (NCSU Faculty Only)

Kelly Memorial Fund for US-Japan Scientific Cooperation

This form is to be used to apply for the Kelly Memorial Fund for US-Japan Scientific Cooperation. You may complete the form in one sitting or use the “save and continue” option to return at a later time. If you encounter technical issues with the form, please email

  • Faculty/staff info

  • Please select your primary college affiliation.
  • Project Details

  • Please indicate any partner institutions involved in the project.
  • Select date MM slash DD slash YYYY
  • Please select the goal(s) (you may select up to three) that best align(s) with your proposal. Use the “ctrl” button to select multiple.
  • Executive summary-type description of project (maximum 250 words). Please include expected deliverables of this project.
  • Please include how applicant’s project will lead to sustainable relationships with collaborating, Japan-based institutions/organizations, and will benefit and provide visibility for NC State, the Office of Global Engagement, and the NC Japan Center (maximum 250 words).
  • This can be a simple table inserted into this document; please remember that the NC Japan Center does ask applicants for a 25% cost-match of total budget from internal or external sources; this can be “in-kind,” with a proper description. Cost match source must be documented, with appropriate signature, appended to this application.
  • Include grant name, project title, and year, as well as resultant deliverables from grants. (maximum 150 words, total.)
  • Required Appendices

  • Please upload ONE letter of support/signature from applicant’s direct supervisor or department head and ONE letter of support/signature per collaborating, Japan-based institution or organization (director-level)
    Drop files here or
    Accepted file types: pdf, Max. file size: 195 MB.
    • Please upload a cost match source document, with appropriate signature.
      Drop files here or
      Accepted file types: pdf, Max. file size: 195 MB.
      • If applicants wish to include more information RELEVANT to current application, they may attach appendices (maximum 2 pages, 11 point font, double-spaced). This may include, but is not limited to: publications, grant funds leveraged, students trained, press coverage or popular articles specifically relevant to the proposal.
        Drop files here or
        Accepted file types: pdf, Max. file size: 195 MB.
        • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.