Spring 2021 Classes
For Adults & High School Students
Japanese language courses for adults and high school students are being held one evening a week this spring. Spring 2021 classes will be taught online.
Questions about classes? Contact Ms. Reiko Chosokabe (reiko.chosokabe@ncsu.edu)
Pre-register Now – Use the Form at the Bottom of this Page!
15-Week Courses:
Registration and payment (e-Store) for the Spring 2021 semester is OPEN NOW!. Registration and Payment are due on December 17, 2020 . A $20 discount is available for faculty, staff, and students affiliated with NC State University. To be clear, “affiliated” means current NC State University faculty, staff, and students (and their children).
NC Japan Center eStore LINK
Online Registration / Payment!
Please register and pay via the NC Japan Center eStore.
Copy and paste the URL, below:
*Please note there is a small convenience charge*
If utilizing the NC Japan Center eStore is not an option for you, please contact Reiko Chosokabe at rckerns@ncsu.edu .
Courses without sufficient enrollment may be cancelled.
The below is for on-site courses (ALL courses will be online for the Spring 2021 semester):
In case of adverse weather, operational status of the Center will follow that of the university.
There will be no make-up classes when campus activities have been cancelled.
In other situations, if a particular class needs to be rescheduled by an instructor, students will be notified in-class, and alternate make-up days will be discussed.
Adult 1-a: Mondays (Jan. 11-Apr. 25, 6:30–8:30 PM *No class Jan.18)
Adult 1-b: Tuesdays (Jan. 12- Apr. 20, 6:30–8:30 PM)
For those new to the Japanese language. Introduces hiragana, katakana, and 15 kanji, basic grammar and vocabulary, question sentences, verb conjugation, present tense, greetings, time/age, shopping.
Textbook and Workbook: Genki I, Second Edition, published by The Japan Times. Lessons 1–3.
Adult 2-a: Mondays (Jan. 11-Apr. 25, 6:30–8:30 PM *No class Jan 18*)
Adult 2-b: Thursdays (Jan. 14 – Apr.22, 6:30-8:30PM)
Introduces additional grammar and vocabulary, and 57 new kanji. The grammar includes past tense, adjectives, counting, “Te”-form and joining sentences, counter units.
Textbook and Workbook: Genki I, Second Edition, published by The Japan Times. Lessons 4–7.
Adult 3: Mondays (Jan. 11-Apr. 25, 6:30–8:30 PM *No Class Jan.18 )
Introduces additional grammar and vocabulary, and 59 new kanji, past tense short forms, qualifying nouns with verbs and adjectives, comparisons between items, colors, and public transportation.
Textbook and Workbook: Genki I, Second Edition, published by The Japan Times. Lessons 8–11.
Adult 4: Tuesdays (Jan. 12- Apr. 20, 6:30–8:30 PM)
Introduces additional grammar and vocabulary, and 64 new kanji. The grammar includes potential verbs, volitional form, using sentences to qualify nouns, superlative, and additional predicate patterns.
Textbook and Workbook: Genki I & II, Second Edition, published by The Japan Times. Lessons 12–15.
Adult 5: Tuesdays (Jan. 12- Apr. 20, 6:30–8:30 PM)
Introduces additional grammar and vocabulary, 63 new kanji, transitivity pairs, honorific verbs, and giving respectful advice.
Textbook and Workbook: Genki II, Second Edition, published by The Japan Times. Lessons 16–19.
Adult 6: Tuesdays (Jan. 12- Apr. 20, 6:30–8:30 PM)
Introduces additional grammar and vocabulary, and 61 new kanji, passive sentences, causative sentences, and causative-passive sentences.
Textbook and Workbook: Genki II, Second Edition, published by The Japan Times. Lessons 20–23.
Intermediate Japanese: Wednesdays (Jan.13 –Apr.21, 6:30-8:30PM)
Designed for those who have completed Genki II; beginning level studies, including grammar such as passive and causative forms, as well as introducing 317 new kanji. Four lessons(L5-L8) from the textbook will be covered during the semester, which include the functions of seeking and giving advice, ordering and quoting, inviting and be invited, and phrases used when seeking a job, using grammar, vocabulary and kanji in intermediate-level Japanese.
Textbook: An Integrated Approach to Intermediate Japanese [Revised Edition], published by The Japan Times: ISBN 978-4-78901307-9
Workbook: An Integrated Approach to Intermediate Japanese Workbook [Revised Edition], published by The Japan Times: ISBN 978-4-78901308-6
Advanced Japanese: Thursdays (Jan. 14 – Apr.22, 6:30-8:30PM)
Designed for those who have completed Genki 2 and those who aim to achieve the level of JLPT N2.This semester we will cover Chapters 6,10,15-20 of the textbook. In addition to the textbook, there will be conversation practices to help strengthen speaking and listening skills.
Textbook: 中上級学習者向け日本語教材日本文化を読むpublished by アルク (ALC PRESS, INC.), edited by 京都日本語教育センターISBN 9784757422315
JLPT N3: Mondays (Jan. 11-Apr. 25, 6:30–8:30 PM *No class Jan.18*)
Preparatory course for the JLPT N3 test given on December, 2021. This course is appropriate for those who have passed the JLPT N4 test or have equivalent proficiency. The course will also focus on conversational skills appropriate for various occasions.
Textbooks: 新完全マスター文法N3, ISBN978-4-88319-610-4 N3 聞く聴解、ISBN978-4-89689-470-7
JLPT N2: Tuesdays (Jan. 12- Apr. 20, 6:30–8:30 PM)
Preparatory course for the JLPT N2 test. This course is appropriate for those who have passed the JLPT N3 test or have equivalent proficiency. The course will also focus on conversational skills appropriate for various occasions.
Textbooks: 新完全マスター文法N2, ISBN978-4-88319-565-7N2聞く聴解、ISBN978-4-89689-745-2
JLPT N1: Wednesdays (Jan.13 –Apr.21, 6:30-8:30PM)
Preparatory course for the JLPT N1 test. This course is appropriate for those who have passed the JLPT N2 test or have equivalent proficiency. The course will also focus on conversational skills appropriate for various occasions.
Textbooks: 日本語能力試験N1完全攻略テキスト&実践問題集, ISBN978-4-8163-5031-3, N1聞く聴解, ISBN978-4-89689-484-4