- Take a 3D tour of the Spring Hill House
- Practice and Benefit from Zazen Meditation
- Explore Japanese Language Self-Study Resources
- Listen to George Takei’s Wonderful Voice and His Uplifting Story
- Learn Some Easy Ways to Support Local Japanese Businesses Right Now
- Take a 3D Tour of the Spring Hill House
Recent Items:
Letter from Keiko Kono: How the NC Japan Center Inspired Me
In May of 2020, the NC Japan Center hosted an online informational webinar for our Japanese community, focused on US health insurance / Medicare. Our guest speaker for that event was Keiko Kono, an expert in this field with over 30 years experience, and the webinar was a great success. We were so pleased to hear from Kono-san recently, who told us that the webinar led to other similar engagements, and inspired her to start her own business (Kono & Associates, LLC), offering her expertise to Japanese nationals navigating US health insurance.
You can see Kono-san’s letter to us, below (in English and Japanese). Thank you so much, Kono-san!
Kono Associates NC Japan Center 2021
Upcoming Events:
Tuesday, September 28, 2021 (EDT): The Japanese Garden: Living Classroom of Nature, Architecture & Culture: Japan Society / Japan Society Talks +
Sign up for this fantastic event, here!
The Japanese garden is not simply a place of beauty, serenity and contemplation grounded in a long tradition, but it is also a holistic art form functioning as a place of discovery and innovation that continues to evolve through cross-pollination with other cultural forms. This talk explores the historical journey of one of the world’s oldest land art forms and examines its evolving relevance to the world. Inviting experts of critical acclaim from various creative fields, this interactive webinar delves into how Japanese landscape design principles and aesthetics have impacted the ways in which modern society approaches art and architecture while helping mold the human relationship with nature. This is the first of the five-part Living Traditions webinar series.
Recent Events
August 31, 2021: 2:00PM (EDT): US-Japan Council
Bilateral Boardroom: John Kerry & KOIZUMI Shinjiro
August 20 – 22, 2021 (EDT): Queen City Anime Convention (Charlotte, NC)
Register HERE!
Don’t forget to swing by our friend’s booth – the Japan-America Society of North Carolina!
Take a picture with samurai!
July 23, 2021: 7:30PM (EDT): Japan-America Society of North Carolina / Jazz’N Soul Music
An Evening with Pianist Keiko Matsui
July 29, 2021: 6:00PM (EDT): US-Japan Council
Hawai’i Contemporary: Using Art to Explore Social (in)Justice
The USJC Hawaii Region presents “Hawai’i Contemporary: Using Art to Explore Social (in)Justice.” Art inspires people to connect, explore new ideas, and address pressing social issues. With the recent rise in Anti-Asian hate crimes, several have turned to creative outlets, such as art, to express their reaction in a safe space. Please join us as we have Taiji Terasaki, a Japanese American artist based on Honolulu, Hawaii, alongside Isabella Hughes, Board Chair of Hawai’i Contemporary, and Katherine Don, Executive Director of Hawai’i Contemporary, engage in an informative and enlightening discussion on how art is used to explore social (in)justice. They will also share and highlight the Hawai’i Triennial that will be launching in 2022.
7月14日:10:00-11:30AM (EDT): サザンブリッジ事務局
【オンライン開催】PREGO CLUB(プレゴクラブ)
■日時:7月14日(水)開催時間 10:00 am ~ 11:30 am
▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼
July 13, 2021: 7:00PM (EDT): Japan-America Society of Georgia
The Power of Toyota Production System (TPS) Webinar
June 29, 2021: 5:30AM (EDT): US-Japan Council / Ikigai Connections / FocusCore
LGBTQ Inclusion in Business ~Business Cases in Japan~
6月17日: 14:00-15:00 (EDT): SYSCOM Global Solutions (from JASNC)
SYSCOM ウェビナー:製造業向けDXとセキュリティ対策(日本語)
SYSCOM Webinar on DX (“Digital Transformation”) and Security Measures for Manufacturing (Japanese)
May 20, 2021: 10:00AM (EDT): The Women’s Series
How Diverse Is Your Board, Really?
Why does board diversity matter? This interactive Q&A session will address this question through a discussion of such topics as when and why diversity improves board performance, how to maximize the benefits of board diversity, and considerations for boards to help drive progress on diversity and systemic change. Our expert panelists will also give advice on ways to position yourself for your first position on a board.
This event is organized by The Women’s Series, a collaboration between the German, French, Belgian, Swedish and Netherlands American Chambers of Commerce as well as the British-American Business Council and the Japan-America Society of Georgia. We host educational & networking events with the goal of bringing together women in the Atlanta international community.
May 18, 2021: 8:00PM (EDT): US-Japan Council
AAPI Hate and You
In this USJC event hosted by the NorCal region, we will get up close and personal with the AAPI Hate phenomenon that has disrupted the lives of many of our Asian and Asian American friends and neighbors with abuse both physical and profoundly mental in nature. Through the deft approaches and perspectives offered by our panelists for whom managing this malignance has become common practice, we will learn how to help ourselves, and more importantly, help each other. Good triumphs evil, always. And this session will be extra Good. Join us!
May 11, 2021: 8:00PM (EDT): Densho
Facing the Mountain: Virtual Book Launch
Join Densho on May 11 for the official book launch of Facing the Mountain, a new book about WWII Japanese American incarceration and the 442nd RCT by Daniel James Brown, NY Times bestselling author of The Boys in the Boat. The virtual event will feature a conversation between Brown and Densho Executive Director Tom Ikeda, who has conducted oral histories with many of the men highlighted in the book. Facing the Mountain grew out of conversations Brown had with Ikeda in 2015.
April 28, 2021: 8:00PM (EDT): US-Japan Council
Remembering Irene: A Memorial Tribute
You are invited to join the family and friends of Irene Hirano Inouye at a special event, “Remembering Irene: A Memorial Tribute,” at 5:00pm PT/8:00pm ET on April 28, and 9:00am JT on April 29. The virtual program will feature remembrances of Irene’s impact on and contributions to society through the countless lives she touched and the many causes she championed.
April 20, 2021: 12:30 (EDT): Japan-America Society of Georgia / Consulate General’s Office of Japan in Georgia Sakura Mochi Workshop (Zoom): Celebrate the coming of spring and join the CGJ in Atlanta for a virtual event with U.S. students and CGJ Official Residence Chef Minagawa to learn how to make delicious sakura mochi! Email to RSVP:
April 17, 2021: 8:00-9:00PM (EDT): Chapel Hill-Durham Japanese Association “Online Rakugo” by Tozaburo “ZABU” Yanagiya III
3月4日(木)16:00-17:30: ノースカロライナ日本センター主催 オンライン無料セミナー 「処方薬・市販薬(OTC)・サプリメントの違いって何?」 のご案内 一言で薬といっても、医師から処方箋をもらって薬剤師から説明を聞いてから受け取らなければいけない薬(処方薬:prescription drug, ethical drug)、薬局の店頭で売っている薬(市販薬:OTC; over-the-counter drug)、さらにサプリメントと呼ばれているものや医薬部外品、処方箋が必要な美容医薬品まで様々です。これらの違いや、医療保険がどの程度カバーするのかなどを医師でもあり、薬のエクスパートでもある中鉢知子先生をゲストスピーカーとしてお招きし、一般の方にもわかりやすくご説明していただきます。 オンラインNC State UniversityのZoomにて日本語で行います。
- 参加料:無料
- 参加申込み事項 (①お名前 ②email ③電話番号 ④ご質問等) をご記入の上
January 27, 2021: 6:00-7:00PM (EST): US-Japan Council Energy, Climate, & Environmental Sustainability in the Biden & Suga Administrations
January 19, 2021: 7:00-8:00PM (EST): US-Japan Council Japanese Americans & Japan: Legacies – Interview with Glen S. Fukushima
January 11: 6:00-7:00PM (EST): US-Japan Council A Conversation with General Paul M. Nakasone
January 11: 6:00-7:00PM (EST): US-Japan Council A Conversation with General Paul M. Nakasone
12月15日(火)15:30 – 17:00: ノースカロライナ日本センター「意外と知らない米国の税金について 」オンライン無料 セミナー 米国の税金を学んで、安心して税金を申請する準備を整えませんか? 米国での 税金申告は米国の所得だけを報告すれば 良いと 間違えて 思っている人も多いのではないでしょうか。米国居住者 永住権保持者 を含む は 、 全世界の所得を米国で申告する必要があります。 例えば、日本の年金は米国の課税所得になるので、申告が必要です。米国公認会計士、米国税理士、認定翻訳者 として ノースカロライナーでご活躍されている ギルバート順子さ ん をゲストスピーカとしてお招きしてのゼミナー です。 また、 ボストンでご活躍されているアキュレック恭子さんも 皆様からの ご質問のアドバイザーとして お招きしております。
November 19: 7:00-8:00PM (EST): JICC: Embassy of Japan (from JASNC) The Prehistoric Jomon Pottery of Japan: Ancient Art through Archaeology
In this short survey of Jomon pottery, Dr. Ali Ghobadi will explore some basic topics of Jomon archaeology so that viewers can better understand the ancient Jomon people who were making the myriad pottery designs that we see today in museums in Japan and throughout the world. A variety of ceramic pots, figures, and objects covering more than 10,000 years of Japanese (pre)history will be featured, including several that have been designated as “National Treasures” of Japan. Ali Ghobadi, Ph.D. is a local scholar based at American University in Washington, DC. He has been interested in Japanese culture and the archaeology of Japan since 2006, and has been affiliated with Ritsumeikan University in Kyoto, Japan, the Niigata Prefectural Museum of History, and the Sainsbury Institute for the Study of Japanese Arts and Cultures. His doctoral research, which was completed in 2015, involved the Middle Jomon people of Niigata prefecture and social networks among the ancient villages that produced the famous flame-style pottery “火炎土器” of the Middle Jomon period. During the COVID19 pandemic, he has been working virtually from the Washington DC area, but looks forward to returning to Japan as soon as conditions allow.
November 19: 6:00-7:00PM (EST): JASG Art in the US-Japan Relationship: A Curator’s Perspective with Monika Bincsik
Through the Richard J. Wood Art Curator Series offered by the The National Association of Japan-America Societies (NAJAS) and the Japan-United States Friendship Commission (JUSF), The Japan-America Society of Georgia (JASG) is pleased to present a special lecture event, Art in the U.S.-Japan Relationship: A Curator’s Perspective. This event will highlight the unique aspects of Japanese art and its role in the grassroots relationship between the United States and Japan as guest lecturer, Monika Bincsik, Associate Curator of Japanese Decorative Arts at the Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York will present the intricacies of the renowned Bamboo Art from The Abbey Collection. ジョージア日米協会では全米日米協会及び日米友好基金の支援により、リチャード・ ウッド・アートキュレーター・シリーズの一環として“日米関係の中の美術:キューレーターの視点”と題した特別公演を開催します。このイベントでは、日本美術のユニークな面と日米の草の根的関係面でのその役割について、ニューヨーク・メトロポリタン美術館の日本装飾美術アソシエイト・キュレーターであるモニカ・ビンシク氏をお迎えして、有名なアビー収蔵品の竹工芸名品についてお話を伺います。
November 17-19: U.S. – Japan Council
The NC Japan Center is pleased to be a promotional partner for the “Cultural and Educational Exchange” Topical Session of the upcoming U.S.-Japan Council’s 2020 Public Symposium, scheduled for November 17-19, 2020. Titled, “Two Nations, Countless Connections – Community, Partnership and the Road Ahead,” the Symposium will explore the transformative areas of the bilateral relationship that have brought about hope and recovery. The program will also examine topics around community building, diversity, and resilience in both countries today, ultimately advancing the important work around key priorities in U.S.-Japan and Japanese American affairs. We will explore the question: How are enduring communities and partnerships formed?
Topical Session: Cultural & Educational Exchange November 19 from 3:00-4:15pm ET
Join us for a multi-sector look at developing bilateral partnerships and people-to-people relations by investing in local communities and cultural and educational exchanges.
Introduction: William Tsutsui, Reischauer Distinguished Professor, Harvard University
Moderator: Paige Cottingham-Streater, Secretary-General, U.S. CULCON Panel & Executive Director, Japan-U.S. Friendship Commission Patsy Yoon Brown, Executive Director, Japan-America Society of Houston Jim Reed, President, YKK Corporation of America Kyoko Yoshida, Executive Director, U.S./Japan Cultural Trade Network, Inc. (CTN)
U.S. – Japan Council Public Symposium 2020: Two Nations, Countless Connections
November 13: 1:00 – 4:30PM (EST): NC Coalition for Global Competitiveness Become part of a collaborative effort to ensure that NC is the most globally engaged state in the US. An event hosted by the NC Coalition for Global Competitiveness, for more information: For inquiries and sponsorship opportunities contact: By purchasing this ticket and attending the event, I give permission to NC Coalition for Global Competitiveness and organizations supporting the event to capture and publish photographs, video, audio, or other impressions of my image or voice. I understand that I will not be compensated for any photographs or other likeness that may be used in this capacity.
NC Global Advantage Forum (REGISTER HERE!) NC Global Advantage Forum Keynote Announcement Flyer NC Global Advantage Forum Adaptive Leadership Panel Flyer NC Global Advantage Forum 2020 Business Case Study Madhu Beriwal Flyer NC Global Advantage Forum Scholarships for Teachers and Students
November 11: 5:00-6:15PM (EST): NC Japan Center “Survival” Japanese / Japanese Business Etiquette Workshop REGISTER HERE!
November 10: 5:00PM (EDT): NU Tech NU Tech Roundtable 2020
After successfully having hosted ten NU Tech Roundtable technology showcase events at Research Triangle Park (RTP) in North Carolina since 2010, Nagoya University and Technology Partnership of Nagoya University, Inc., Nagoya University’s strategic arm in the States, will host a virtual Roundtable for its 11th installment this fall. The new virtual Roundtable can address broader audience beyond RTP and beyond AgBiotech, which is the RTP’s largest industry sector and which has been a major topic of the last ten NU Tech Roundtables. This fall the virtual Roundtable focuses on NextGen platform technologies for drug discovery, including disruptive startups from Nagoya University.
November 6: 9:30AM (EST): JASG Economic Outlook after the 2020 Elections
November 5: 5:00-6:00PM (EST): Asian Pacific Studies/Institute (Duke University) Urban Life in Ichijodani, Japan, a Late Medieval Provincial City
October 29: 1:30PM (EDT): JASG Impact of 2020 Elections of Immigration & Insurance Claims
October 22: 8:00PM (EDT): JASNC, Consulate-General of Japan in Georgia and Sake School of America Sake & Soul Food: Pairing Sake with Anything but Sushi!
September 30: 7:00PM (EDT): JASG Dinner and a Movie: Shoplifters
September 30: 9:00AM (EDT): JASG Cyber Attack Preparation & Prevention
September 24: 1:30PM (EDT): JASG Exploring Japanese Company Retention in GA
September 22: 7:30PM (EDT): UC San Diego / JMNC (from JASNC)How Japanese Companies Compete Globally
Microsoft (Outlook) Topic How Japanese Companies Compete Globally Description The globalization of commerce, the breakout of supply chains across multiple countries, and the need of open innovation have required Japanese companies to change their business mindset. The previous, largely ethnocentric approach of exporting “Made in Japan” goods no longer works, and needs to be carefully blended with more global – aka Western – management approaches of multi-country growth and profitability strategies. How are Japan’s largest companies positioned to compete in this new global setting, and what are the changes needed in general business mindset towards truly global approaches? Listen to long-term Japan business insider David “Chet” Chetwynd and Ulrike Schaede, as they discuss the global visions for Japan’s large businesses. Speakers: • David “Chet” Chetwynd, CEO, JMNC Solutions • Ulrike Schaede, Professor and Director of the Japan Forum for Innovation and Technology, GPS UC San Diego —————— This Japan Zoominar @ UC San Diego series brings together new insights, knowledge and opinions on current events in Japan. Experts from around the globe are invited as speakers and contributors, with the goal to create a vibrant exchange and deepen our understanding of Japan’s role in the world. Learn more at Time Sep 22, 2020 04:30 PM in Pacific Time / 07:30 PM EDT (US and Canada)
September 22: 8:00-9:00PM (EDT): JASC (from JASNC)Adapting U.S. Business for the Japanese Market – Including Strategies for both Domino’s and Wendy’s in Japan
About the Event Mr. Higa will talk about how he introduced various businesses from the U.S. to Japan, including Domino’s Pizza and Wendy’s return. He has a bi-cultural background, being a third generation Nikkei American from Hawaii, and having lived in Japan for many years. Mr. Higa has a unique insight as both an insider and outsider on the Japanese market. About the Speaker Mr. Ernest M. Higa is Chairman, President & Chief Executive Officer of Higa Industries Co., Ltd., Chief Executive Officer of Wendy’s Japan K.K. and Chairman and Representative Director of First Kitchen Ltd. He received his MBA from Columbia University and his Bachelors of Science from the Wharton School of Finance and Commerce, University of Pennsylvania.
September 22, 2020: 7:00-8:00PM (EDT): JASDFW / SMU Security and Economy: The Current State of Japan-Korea-U.S. Trilateral Relations
Co-presented by the Japan-America Society of Dallas/Fort Worth and the Sun & Star Program on Japan and East Asia at SMU’s Tower Center for Public Policy and International Studies. Japan and the Republic of Korea (South Korea) are two of the most important allies of the United States, although 2020 has presented challenges that are domestic in origin but worldwide in scope. April parliamentary elections in Korea, a contentious U.S. presidential campaign, and an embattled Prime Minister Abe in Japan have created new dynamics in dialogue between these global economic powers. Additionally, the COVID-19 pandemic has demonstrated the necessity of ongoing international communication, collaboration, and cooperation. Alliances will be further tested by Abe’s recent resignation and a new prime minister looking to establish his role in Japan’s government. Join us for an engaging discussion on the realities of present bilateral and trilateral relations, the effects of COVID-19, and what the immediate future may hold for these three countries. Date and Time Tuesday, September 22, 2020 6:00 PM Dallas/7:00 PM Washington D.C. Wednesday, September 23, 2020 8:00 AM Japan Location Online Cost: FREE
September 22: 6:30PM (EDT): Japan Society Artificial Elegance: Japanese Prosthetics for World-Class Athletes
Rather than imitating the human form, the artificial limbs designed by Shunji Yamanaka are sleek and streamlined, optimized for both peak functionality and aesthetic appeal. An award-winning product designer, Yamanaka has designed products ranging from Issey Miyake wristwatches to Japan’s SUICA/PASMO train-pass system. Yamanaka has brought this talent for design engineering to his next-generation prosthetic creations, garnering the attention of world-class athletes. At this live webinar, Yamanaka, founder and president of Leading Edge Design and professor at the University of Tokyo, reveals the cutting-edge technology behind his innovative prosthetics, and discusses how good design can transform the potential of the human body. Program Details: This is a free event, with advance registration required. The program will be live-streamed through YouTube, and registrants will receive the viewing link by email on the event day. Participants can submit questions through YouTube during the livestream.
September 17: 8:00-9:00PM (EDT): JASDFW (from JASNC) Anime Sway: How Japan Came to Dominate the Global Pop Culture Landscape
Since the introduction of anime to Western audiences in the 1990s, Japanese motifs and animation techniques have continuously influenced global pop culture. Anime has become a respected form of entertainment and elevated the animated storytelling genre to an art. Now, Japanese pop culture and characters are as recognizable worldwide as their counterparts from Disney and Warner Brothers. Join JASDFW for a program addressing the introduction of anime into the Western market, the importance of anime for Japanese cultural diplomacy and soft power, the integration of Japanese history and folklore into contemporary pop culture, the use of Japanese style and sensibilities in pop culture outside of Japan, and the state of the industry given recent disruptions caused by COVID-19. Date and Time Thursday, September 17, 2020 7:00 PM Dallas Friday, September 18, 2020 9:00 AM Japan
September 16: 1:00PM (EDT): JASG
Sustainability & Manufacturing Virtual Discussion
A growing number of manufacturers are treating “sustainability” as an important objective in their strategy and operations to increase growth and global competitiveness. But sustainable manufacturing is often too narrowly defined as simply manufacturing products in ways that minimize negative environmental impacts while conserving energy and natural resources. By focusing on how international manufacturing companies in Georgia are implementing sustainability goals, such as the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) set by the United Nations, this event will broaden the traditional definition of sustainability to include enhancing the wellbeing of employees and the communities in which companies operate. Panelists: Sara Irvani, CEO, Okabashi Brands, Inc. Jim Reed, President, YKK Corporation of America Satchit Srinivasan, PhD PE, Sr EVP, Director of Research, Development & Technology, Solvay Specialty Polymers Andy Brehm, Site Director, Gainesville Bio Operations, Boehringer Ingelheim Animal Health Moderated by Valerie Thomas, Anderson-Interface Professor of Natural Systems in the H. Milton School of Industrial and Systems Engineering at Georgia Tech Partnering organizations: French, German, Belgian, Netherlands and Swedish American Chambers of Commerce, the British-American Business Council, the Japan-America Society of Georgia, the Women’s Series, Global Change Program and the Ray C. Anderson Center for Sustainable Business, Georgia Institute of Technology, Next Generation Manufacturing, Society of Plastic Engineers, Global Atlanta.
September 9, 2020: 8:00PM (EDT): USJETAA Careers in the Foreign Service
Topic Careers in the Foreign Service Description Are you interested in a career in the Foreign Service or learning more about the work of Foreign Service Officers? Please join USJETAA for a keynote address from Karen Kelley, the former Consul General in Osaka, and panel discussion along with Michael Turner, Culture & Sports Attache at the US Embassy Tokyo, and Katherine Tarr, former Coordinator for Japan and Korea in the Office of Public Diplomacy, East Asian Pacific. They will share their journey through multiple tours and answer questions. SPEAKERS Karen Kelley is a Senior Foreign Service officer with overseas experience in the Asia Pacific and Africa regions. Prior to her service as Consul General in Osaka, Ms. Kelley was the Counselor for Public Affairs in the U.S. Embassy, Harare, Zimbabwe, where she also served as the Acting Deputy Chief of Mission. Previously, she served as the Deputy Office Director and as the Acting Office Director in the Office of Japanese Affairs in Washington, D.C. She was the State Department Public Diplomacy Advisor to the U.S. Pacific Commander, USPACOM in Camp Smith, Hawaii. Earlier in her career, she served as Spokesperson at U.S. embassies in Yaoundé, Cameroon, in Manila, Republic of the Philippines and in Tokyo, Japan, and held previous positions in the Japan Mission as the Public Affairs Officer in the U.S. Consulates General in Osaka and Naha. Michael Turner is the Culture and Sports Attaché at the U.S. Embassy, Tokyo. He oversees educational exchange programs, cultural activities, and grass-roots outreach. Michael’s previous assignments include Bangkok, Rangoon, Tbilisi, Nagoya, and Washington, DC. Katherine “Kat” Tarr recently ended her tenure as Coordinator for Japan and Korea for the Office of Public Diplomacy in the East Asia Pacific. She is currently a Korean language student at the Foreign Service Institute preparing to join the press team at the U.S. Embassy in Seoul, South Korea in 2022. Her previous tours were in Tegucigalpa, Honduras, and Shanghai, China. Time Sep 9, 2020 08:00 PM in Eastern Time (US and Canada)
September 9, 2020: 7:00-8:00PM (EDT): JASC (from JASNC)Media Trends: Japan vs. U.S. Traditional and Social Forms: Role of Olympics Coverage in World Views of Japan
About the Event Japan and the United States stand out in the world in both media and technology. They have core constitutional protections for free speech and press. And they are hosts to huge contingents of media companies from around the world. Yet they differ significantly in their approach and style for both traditional and social media, especially in journalism. Both countries even rank outside the top 50 in world press freedom measures. Dr. Hamm will share unexpected findings, practices and contradictions, and examine how new media trends (traditional and social) may change society. In addition, he will show how Japan can benefit from worldwide media coverage leading up to, during and beyond the 2021 Olympics. About the Speaker Bradley J. Hamm is a professor at Medill. From 2012-2018, he served as dean of Medill. Previously, he was dean of the Indiana University School of Journalism in Bloomington and Indianapolis. Hamm’s PhD is in mass communication research from the University of North Carolina, with a master’s degree in journalism from the University of South Carolina and an undergraduate degree from Catawba College in North Carolina. He also served as the interim dean and associate dean of the School of Communications at Elon University in North Carolina. Hamm has taught in study abroad programs in Japan, China and Great Britain and started his career as a newspaper reporter. His teaching and research interests are in journalism history and media theory, particularly agenda setting theory. He served as a trustee for the Poynter Institute and is a judge for the Scripps Howard National Journalism Awards. He serves as an independent, non-executive member of the Board of Directors for Next Digital media company of Hong Kong and Taiwan.
September 8, 2020: 8:00-9:30PM (EDT): Japan Society of Northern California Nakamura Hashigo and the new face of Kabuki in the 21st Century
Curious about Kabuki but a little overwhelmed about where to begin? Planning to go to Japan, whenever that may be, and want to learn a little more about the culture before you go? Interested in finding out more about Japan and Japanese culture? This program is for you! Join this Kabuki “crash-course” and hear about the history and cultural significance and continuing evolution of this traditional art form. You can also hear from rising Kabuki actor Hashigo Nakamura as he shares his experience, explains why Kabuki remains relevant to modern Japan, demonstrates Kabuki makeup application, and gives a brief performance! Whether you’re completely new to the art of Kabuki or a long-time fan this program is a great opportunity of people of all ages to learn about this classic art-form. Families and children are welcomed! We hope to see you there!
September 8, 2020: 7:30PM (EDT): UC San Diego (from JASNC)Japan’s Geoeconomic Strategy in the Asia-Pacific
Japan’s Geoeconomic Strategy in the Asia-Pacific Description Japan has a pivotal role to play in the geoeconomic balance of Asia, and thus in 21st century commerce. When Japan’s domestic economy began to transform at the turn of the century, its economic foreign policy strategies also started to shift, away from bilateralism and informal rules toward new approaches of regional institution-building that would assure Japanese leadership. As China and the U.S. wrestle over economic advantage, Japan is positioning, more or less quietly, to orchestrate the newly emerging trade dependencies and agreements in Asia. Saori N. Katada will introduce her new book, “Japan’s New Regional Reality,” to show how this new foreign economic policy has been articulated and implemented. Speakers: • Saori N. Katada, Professor of International Relations, University of Southern California • Ulrike Schaede, Professor and Director of the Japan Forum for Innovation and Technology, GPS UC San Diego —————— This Japan Zoominar @ UC San Diego series brings together new insights, knowledge and opinions on current events in Japan. Experts from around the globe are invited as speakers and contributors, with the goal to create a vibrant exchange and deepen our understanding of Japan’s role in the world. Learn more at Time Sep 8, 2020 04:30 PM in Pacific Time (US and Canada) Webinar logo
September 5, 2020: 8:00PM (EDT): JASG Inside Japanese Pop Music with Dr. Capital
September 4: 8:30-10:30PM (EDT): U.S.-Japan Council (TOMODACHI) Critical Conversations: Voices of the Japanese American Experience on Race
As the #BlackLivesMatter movement became global, even making its way to Japan, we see the strong need and beautiful opportunity to have these important discussions now. Through the Critical Conversation Series, we aim to bring together youth in Japan and the United States to create peer-to-peer learning opportunities by bringing thoughtful and inspirational speakers, creating a safe space to share experiences and perspectives, and to continue to be able to educate ourselves and have these important discussions. This is a three-part series starting in July 2020. We have not confirmed the date for Part 3 yet, but we will post the information as the details are firmed up. Join the conversation to share, listen, and learn together.
August 27: 4:00-5:15PM (EDT): U.S. – Japan Council Regional Women in Leadership: Stories of Women Leaders in the South
Topic Regional Women In Leadership: Stories of Women Leaders In the South Description Gender equality and women’s empowerment remains an important issue in both the United States and Japan. This webinar will explore four women leaders and their personal journeys to success. In Part I, in her talk entitled, “Gender Equality and Women’s Empowerment,” Consul General Kayoko Fukushima will speak about her experiences and share observations from her former role as the first Director of the Japan Liaison Office of UN Women. Part II will consist of a panel of three women which highlights each of their individual and unique experiences as businesswomen in the South, with comparative discussions on working in a major Japanese corporation. The Regional Women In Leadership (RWL) program is in its sixth year at U.S.-Japan Council. The program’s objective is to provide opportunities for discussions on the advancement of women in leadership. RWL encourages members and collaborators to convene in a series of events to educate and discuss women‘s leadership in the context of U.S.-Japan relations, creating a conversation about women’s issues among diverse communities and business leaders. Funding is provided by the Government of Japan’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
August 4: 7:30PM (EDT): UC San Diego / Japan Forum for Innovation & Technology The Carlos Ghosn Saga: What we can learn about Japan’s legal system and corporate governance
Topic The Carlos Ghosn Saga: What we can learn about Japan’s legal system and corporate governance Description On Dec. 31, 2019, the Carlos Ghosn saga took a movie-like turn when Nissan’s former CEO arranged to have himself smuggled out of Japan in a musical instrument box. Initially celebrated as a savior and new type manager that showed how Japanese companies could be turned around, Ghosn had begun to ruffle feathers in Japan with his exuberant style as much as his empire-building intentions. Within Nissan, many referred to him as a “dictator”, and he was said to have wielded full control over senior executives and the board of directors. In November 2018, he was pulled out of his private airplane at Haneda airport and held in custody in circumstances that looked harsh in international comparison. The official allegations included under-reporting of earnings and misuse of company assets, although the true depth and breadth of his machinations remain unclear. Join Bruce Aronson and Ulrike Schaede in a conversation of how to make sense of all this – Japan’s legal system, white collar crime, and corporate oversight and governance. Speakers: • Bruce Aronson, Professor and Research Associate, U.S.-Asia Law Institute, NYU School of Law and MIGA (Musashino Institute for Global Affairs) • Ulrike Schaede, Professor and Director of the Japan Forum for Innovation and Technology, GPS UC San Diego —————— This Japan Forum for Innovation and Technology (JFIT) webinar series brings together new insights, knowledge and opinions on current events in Japan. Experts from around the globe are invited as speakers and contributors, with the goal to create a vibrant exchange and deepen our understanding of Japan’s role in the world. Learn more at
August 1: 7:30PM (EDT): Japan-America Societies of Georgia and Tennessee Virtual Sake Brewery Tour & Tasting
July 30: 8PM (EDT): Japan-America Society of North Carolina “In Celebration of Sake” with Sara Guterbock (Sake Sommelier)
July 30: 1PM (EDT): Japan-America Society of Georgia Online Dinner & a Movie: “Departures” (‘Okuribito’)
July 29: 8-9PM (EDT): US-Japan Council Diversity for the Venture Ecosystem – The Key to Thriving, Now More Than Ever
Now more than ever, we need to realize diversity, equity and inclusion in the workplace and workforce – whether at large multinational corporations, within the entrepreneur communities, or investment communities that enable these organizations to build and thrive. In collaboration with fabbit, these industry innovators will explore how startups can build successful DE&I approaches from the beginning, leading to better business outcomes, and how others in the ecosystem can support startups that prioritize DE&I. Speakers include Council Leader Rika Nakazawa (Founder and CEO, Boardseatmeet and fabbit Ambassador); Lisa Shalett (Retired Partner, Goldman Sachs); Stéphane Fouche (Founder and Owner, HAKO, LLC and Junior Advisory Board Member, fabbit); and Council Leader Andrew Ogawa (Managing Partner, Quest Venture Partners). USJC needs your support more than ever. With a suggested donation of $25, we can continue to offer free and public webinars to discuss issues of mutual concern between the U.S. and Japan. Tax-deductible donations can be made at:
July 28: 7:30PM (EDT): UC San Diego / Japan Forum for Innovation & Technology Innovation, Entrepreneurship and Change Management in Japan
Topic Innovation, Entrepreneurship and Change Management in Japan Description What is the current situation of innovation, entrepreneurship, venture capital and corporate renewal in Japan? Why is it so difficult for large Japanese companies to adjust to technology shifts, and why are companies such as Sony or Panasonic struggling to remain globally competitive? Gen Isayama is one of Japan’s foremost venture capitalist, innovation leader and large company change consultant. He works with many startups as well as large-firm CEOs in Japan and Silicon Valley, and will share his insights of what it takes to manage innovation and change in Japanese companies. Speakers: • Gen Isayama, Co-Founder and CEO, WiL: World Innovation Lab • Ulrike Schaede, Professor and JFIT, GPS UC San Diego —————— This Japan Forum for Innovation and Technology (JFIT) webinar series brings together new insights, knowledge and opinions on current events in Japan. Experts from around the globe are invited as speakers and contributors, with the goal to create a vibrant exchange and deepen our understanding of Japan’s role in the world. Learn more at